How to Pack for Your Dog’s Stay at a Boarding Facility

Dog Boarding in Charlotte

Are you planning a trip and feeling a bit anxious about leaving your furry friend behind? I get it – our dogs are part of the family, and ensuring they’re comfortable and happy while we’re away is a top priority. That’s why choosing the right boarding facility is so crucial. But wait – there’s more! 

Packing for your dog’s stay is equally important. Just like we prepare our suitcases, we need to make sure our dogs have everything they need for their little vacation. So, let’s dive into the essentials of packing for your dog’s stay at a boarding facility, ensuring they have a tail-waggin good time while you’re away!

Know the Facility’s Requirements

Before you start packing, it’s essential to understand what the boarding facility requires and allows. Some places have specific guidelines on what you can bring, so a quick call or email to confirm these details can save you from last-minute hassles. Most facilities will provide bedding, bowls, and basic toys, but it’s always good to double-check.

Pack Enough Food and Treats

So you ask, what should I pack for my dog’s stay at a boarding facility? Your dog’s diet is one thing you don’t want to change suddenly. Make sure to pack enough of their regular food to last the entire stay. Measure out each meal in individual bags or containers to make it easy for the staff to feed your dog accurately. Don’t forget to include some of their favorite treats – these can be great for comfort and as rewards during their stay.

Bring Familiar Bedding and Toys

While many facilities provide bedding, bringing something from home can offer extra comfort. A blanket or bed that smells like home can help ease any anxiety your dog might feel. Similarly, pack a couple of their favorite toys. These familiar items can make a big difference in helping your dog feel more at ease in a new environment.

Include a Piece of Your Clothing

This might sound a bit odd, but a piece of your clothing can be incredibly comforting for your dog. A t-shirt or scarf that carries your scent can help your dog feel close to you even when you’re not there. Place it in their bed or crate, and it can be a comforting reminder of home.

Don’t Forget Medications and Supplements

If your dog takes any medications or supplements, make sure you pack enough for their entire stay, plus a few extra days’ worth, just in case. Clearly label each medication with your dog’s name, the dosage, and the schedule. It’s also helpful to include a written list of all medications and instructions for the boarding staff.

Provide Emergency Contact Information

Ensure the boarding facility has all your contact details, as well as an emergency contact – someone local who can be reached if you’re not available. Also, provide the contact information for your veterinarian, and if possible, a nearby emergency vet clinic. This ensures that the facility can quickly get your dog the care they need in case of an emergency.

Pack a Comforting Item

Aside from bedding and toys, consider packing an extra item that brings comfort to your dog. This could be a chew toy, a special blanket, or anything that your dog finds soothing. Having familiar items around can significantly reduce stress and help your dog settle in more quickly.

Bring an Updated Health Record

Most boarding facilities will require proof of vaccinations and a recent health check-up. Make sure you have a copy of your dog’s health records, including vaccination dates, any medical conditions, and a list of medications. This information helps the staff take better care of your dog and ensures they are housed safely with other pets.

Pack a Leash and Collar

While your dog will spend most of their time in the boarding facility, there may be occasions when they need to be taken out on a leash, such as for walks or bathroom breaks. Make sure to pack a sturdy leash and collar, complete with an ID tag that has your current contact information.

Create a Comforting Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, and being in a new environment can be stressful. Provide the boarding facility with a detailed description of your dog’s daily routine. Include feeding times, walking schedules, and any specific instructions for playtime or rest. The more closely the facility can mimic your dog’s home routine, the more comfortable they will be.

Communicate Any Special Needs

If your dog has any special needs or quirks, make sure to communicate these to the boarding facility staff. Whether it’s a dietary restriction, a favorite toy, or a specific way they like to be petted, these details can help the staff provide the best care for your furry friend.

Preparing Your Dog Mentally

Before the big day, try to acclimate your dog to the idea of being away from home. If possible, schedule a few short visits to the boarding facility so they can get used to the environment and staff. This can help reduce anxiety and make the transition smoother when it’s time for their longer stay.

Day of Drop-Off: Stay Calm and Positive

Dogs are incredibly perceptive and can pick up on our emotions. On the day of drop-off, stay calm and positive. Your dog will take cues from you, so if you’re relaxed and happy, they are more likely to feel the same way. Keep the goodbyes short and sweet – prolonged farewells can increase anxiety for both of you.

Stay Connected

Many boarding facilities offer ways to stay connected with your pet, such as webcams or regular updates. Take advantage of these services to check in on your dog and see how they’re doing. It can be reassuring to see your dog happy and well-cared for, and it can help ease any separation anxiety you might be feeling.

Prepare for Reunion

When you pick up your dog, they might be a bit excited or tired from all the new experiences. Give them time to settle back into their routine at home. A nice, quiet environment and some extra cuddles can help them transition back to normalcy. Keep an eye out for any changes in behavior or health, and if anything seems off, don’t hesitate to contact your vet.

Packing for your dog’s stay at a boarding facility doesn’t have to be stressful. With a little preparation and attention to detail, you can ensure your furry friend has everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Remember, the goal is to make this experience as smooth as possible for both you and your dog. 

Ready to Book Your Dog’s Next Stay?

Ensure your furry friend has a comfortable and stress-free experience while you’re away. At Animal People Dog Boarding & Day Care, we provide a safe, loving, and fun environment tailored to your pet’s needs. Contact us today to learn more and reserve a spot for your dog’s next stay. Your peace of mind and your dog’s happiness are our top priorities!

Don’t hesitate to reach out and book a stay with us – your dog will thank you!